Title: | Trait Matching and Abundance for Predicting Bipartite Networks |
Description: | Functions to produce, fit and predict from bipartite networks with abundance, trait and phylogenetic information. Its methods are described in detail in Benadi, G., Dormann, C.F., Fruend, J., Stephan, R. & Vazquez, D.P. (2021) Quantitative prediction of interactions in bipartite networks based on traits, abundances, and phylogeny. The American Naturalist, in press. |
Authors: | Carsten Dormann [aut, cre], Gita Benadi [aut], Boris Tinoco [dtc], Ruth Stephan [ctb], Jochen Fruend [ctb] |
Maintainer: | Carsten Dormann <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL |
Version: | 0.6 |
Built: | 2025-02-22 06:11:46 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/biometry/tapnet |
The package provides three categories of important functions: making tapnet objects, fitting the tapnet, and predicting to new data. All other functions are helpers or quality monitoring. The idea of using abundances, observed traits and phylogeny-derived latent traits to quantitatively fit and predict interaction is detailed in Benadi et al. (2021). This package accompanies the paper.
The typical tapnet object contains information on (1) an interaction network in the form of one or more matrices; (2) a phylogenetic tree for both groups; (3) observed traits for both groups, arranged in such a way that they are supposed to match when the difference is 0. These information can come separately, and the make_tapnet function aims at putting them into a tapnet object, as is expected by the functions in this package. Also, the function simulate_tapnet can be used to simulate data of this format.
Fitting of a tapnet refers to the idea of trying to find a function that predicts interactions depending on species abundances, their observed traits (and the match of these traits) and the match of unobserved "latent" traits constructed from the phylogeny. This fitted function can have quite a few parameter (we refer to the paper here), and fit_tapnet is the function to call all relevant optimisers and likelihood functions. At present, the observed interactions are evaluated as multinomial likelihood given the expectation from the parameters that are fitted. Also a least-square option is available. The fit can be evaluated in different ways, e.g. using the gof_tapnet function.
At present only predictions to altered abundances are possible. To predict to a new species, this means fitting the original network with this species in it, but no observed interactions. For prediction, the new abundances and the fitted tapnet need to be provided. See predict_tapnet for an example.
:Uses DEoptim to fit tapnet.
Allowed abundances to be named 1-dimensional arrays, too.
:Did not set abundances and network dimensions to the same lengths. Now uses bipartite::empty along the way.
:Without traits the function threw an error.
Added option to hand over an externally prepared "mask" of "forbidden links", which is multiplied onto fits.
outputenriched by the fitted I_mat. There was no way to output the I_mat until now, so the fit_tapnet output was not really useable.
Added the option to fit networks without phylogenetic information. To do so, use tmatch_type_pems="no". Rather experimental at this stage.
Added option "tapnet" to predict_tapnet in order to be able to use it on simulations. Cleaned up the code according to devtools::check-report.
Tinoco-data updated to now also contain external abundances (thanks Boris for providing these!). Help file for these data updated accordingly. By now we have used tapnet on many simulations and some real data and are fairly confident that the functions work as they should. The real test comes when data are not carefully prepared, with corrupted names and in non-alphabetical order, networks have NAs and so forth. Hopefully we have coded properly for these cases, too.
Initial version with all functions complete and a data set for demonstration. Code written by Gita Benadi, Carsten Dormann and Jochen Fründ, data provided by Boris Tinoco.
Benadi, G., Dormann, C.F., Fründ, J., Stephan, R. & Vázquez, D.P. (2022) Quantitative prediction of interactions in bipartite networks based on traits, abundances, and phylogeny. The American Naturalist 199, 841–854.
Estimates the parameters of the tapnet model by log-likelihood based on the observed network(s)
fit_tapnet( tapnet, ini = NULL, tmatch_type_pem = "normal", tmatch_type_obs = "normal", TmatchMatrixList = NULL, lambda = 0, method = "Nelder", maxit = 50000, hessian = FALSE, obj_function = "multinom", fit.delta = FALSE )
fit_tapnet( tapnet, ini = NULL, tmatch_type_pem = "normal", tmatch_type_obs = "normal", TmatchMatrixList = NULL, lambda = 0, method = "Nelder", maxit = 50000, hessian = FALSE, obj_function = "multinom", fit.delta = FALSE )
tapnet |
a tapnet object; |
ini |
initial parameter values for the optimization; optional; |
tmatch_type_pem |
type of trait matching function for latent traits, currently "normal" or "shiftlnorm"; |
tmatch_type_obs |
type of trait matching function for observed traits, currently "normal" or "shiftlnorm"; |
TmatchMatrixList |
list of independent trait-matching matrices (one per network); |
lambda |
LASSO shrinkage factor for latent trait parameters; |
method |
Optimization method (most derivative-based approaches will not work! SANN is a (slow) alternative to the default); |
maxit |
Maximum number of steps for optimization; |
hessian |
logical: output hessian for calculation of standard errors? |
obj_function |
Objective function for the optimization, either "multinom" or "sq_diff" (or "bjorn"); |
fit.delta |
logical; should the parameter delta be fitted? It allows tapnet to down-weigh the importance of trait matching relative to abundances. Defaults to FALSE. |
The core function for using the tapnet approach: it fits the model to the data (= networks). Then, the estimated parameters can be used to predict to other networks (using predict_tapnet
A tapnet-fit object, containing the tapnet model parameters as entries "par_opt", the settings of the tmatch_type for PEMs and observed traits, the parameter set for lambda, the optimisation method set, along with its maxit-value, and, finally, the output of the call to optim
, including the target value (the negative log-likelihood), the convergence report and the parameters as fitted at the transformed scale. Note that the entries under "opt" will not be the same as those under "par_opt"!
Gita Benadi <[email protected]> and Carsten Dormann <[email protected]>
Benadi et al. in prep
# takes about 35 s data(Tinoco) tap <- make_tapnet(tree_low = plant_tree, tree_high = humm_tree, networks = networks[2:3], traits_low = plant_traits, traits_high = humm_traits, npems_lat = 4) fit <- fit_tapnet(tap) # fits to networks 2 and 3 only str(fit)
# takes about 35 s data(Tinoco) tap <- make_tapnet(tree_low = plant_tree, tree_high = humm_tree, networks = networks[2:3], traits_low = plant_traits, traits_high = humm_traits, npems_lat = 4) fit <- fit_tapnet(tap) # fits to networks 2 and 3 only str(fit)
Estimates the parameters of the tapnet model by log-likelihood based on the observed network(s) using DEoptim
fit_tapnetDE( tapnet, ini = NULL, tmatch_type_pem = "normal", tmatch_type_obs = "normal", TmatchMatrixList = NULL, lambda = 0, strategy = 2, itermax = 500, obj_function = "multinom", fit.delta = FALSE )
fit_tapnetDE( tapnet, ini = NULL, tmatch_type_pem = "normal", tmatch_type_obs = "normal", TmatchMatrixList = NULL, lambda = 0, strategy = 2, itermax = 500, obj_function = "multinom", fit.delta = FALSE )
tapnet |
a tapnet object; |
ini |
initial parameter values for the optimization; optional; |
tmatch_type_pem |
type of trait matching function for latent traits, currently "normal" or "shiftlnorm"; |
tmatch_type_obs |
type of trait matching function for observed traits, currently "normal" or "shiftlnorm"; |
TmatchMatrixList |
list of independent trait-matching matrices (one per network); |
lambda |
LASSO shrinkage factor for latent trait parameters; |
strategy |
defines the Differential Evolution strategy used in the optimization procedure (see help of DEoptim); |
itermax |
Maximum number of generations for optimization; |
obj_function |
Objective function for the optimization, either "multinom" or "sq_diff" (or "bjorn"); |
fit.delta |
logical; should the parameter delta be fitted? It allows tapnet to down-weigh the importance of trait matching relative to abundances. Defaults to FALSE. |
The core function for using the tapnet approach: it fits the model to the data (= networks). Then, the estimated parameters can be used to predict to other networks (using predict_tapnet
A tapnet-fit object, containing the tapnet model parameters as entries "par_opt", the settings of the tmatch_type for PEMs and observed traits, the parameter set for lambda, the optimisation method set, along with its maxit-value, and, finally, the output of the call to optim
, including the target value (the negative log-likelihood), the convergence report and the parameters as fitted at the transformed scale. Note that the entries under "opt" will not be the same as those under "par_opt"!
Carsten Dormann <[email protected]>
Benadi, G., Dormann, C. F., Fründ, J., Stephan, R., & Vázquez, D. P. (2022). Quantitative prediction of interactions in bipartite networks based on traits, abundances, and phylogeny. The American Naturalist, 199(6), 841–854. https://doi.org/10.1086/714420
# takes about 35 s data(Tinoco) tap <- make_tapnet(tree_low = plant_tree, tree_high = humm_tree, networks = networks[2:3], traits_low = plant_traits, traits_high = humm_traits, npems_lat = 4) fit <- fit_tapnetDE(tap) # fits to networks 2 and 3 only str(fit)
# takes about 35 s data(Tinoco) tap <- make_tapnet(tree_low = plant_tree, tree_high = humm_tree, networks = networks[2:3], traits_low = plant_traits, traits_high = humm_traits, npems_lat = 4) fit <- fit_tapnetDE(tap) # fits to networks 2 and 3 only str(fit)
Provides various measures to describe how well the tapnet model fits the data
gof_tapnet( fit, tapnet = NULL, indices = c("connectance", "NODF", "weighted NODF", "H2"), nrep = 1000, se_refit = FALSE, se_nsim = 1000 )
gof_tapnet( fit, tapnet = NULL, indices = c("connectance", "NODF", "weighted NODF", "H2"), nrep = 1000, se_refit = FALSE, se_nsim = 1000 )
fit |
results of applying fit_tapnet to the tapnet object; |
tapnet |
a tapnet object created with simulate_tapnet or make_tapnet; if NULL, the name stored in the attributes of fit is used to access an object of that name in the global environment; can be used e.g. in simulations, when the tapnet object is renamed relative to the one fitted; |
indices |
network indices to compare between observed and fitted network; calls |
nrep |
Number of networks to simulate for indices comparison; these are draws from the fitted multinomial distribution; |
se_refit |
logical; should standard errors for the parameters be calculated using parametric bootstrap (refitting on simulated data)? Defaults to FALSE because it's very slow (i.e. takes hours). |
se_nsim |
number of simulations for parametric bootstrap (ignored unless the previous argument is set to TRUE). |
This is a function particularly interesting for simulated data, when the true parameters are known. In this case, GOF for fitted latent traits and so forth are computed.
A list of goodness-of-fit measures: bc_sim_web are the Bray-Curtis similarities between fitted and observed network; cor_web are Spearman correlations between fitted and observed; and net_indices compute the selected network indices for fitted and observed networks. Also outputs the fitted I_mat for users to do other gymnastics with it. If more than one network is used for fitting, all these measures are returned for all networks (as vector or list under the respective label). See example.
Gita Benadi <[email protected]> and Carsten Dormann <[email protected]>
Benadi et al. in prep
data(Tinoco) tap <- make_tapnet(tree_low = plant_tree, tree_high = humm_tree, networks = networks[2:3], traits_low = plant_traits, traits_high = humm_traits, npems_lat = 4) fit <- fit_tapnet(tap) # uses networks 2 and 3 for fitting! gof_tapnet(fit)
data(Tinoco) tap <- make_tapnet(tree_low = plant_tree, tree_high = humm_tree, networks = networks[2:3], traits_low = plant_traits, traits_high = humm_traits, npems_lat = 4) fit <- fit_tapnet(tap) # uses networks 2 and 3 for fitting! gof_tapnet(fit)
Lower-level, non-exported functions to be called by the main tapnet functions
internalFunctions() bjornloglik(web, P) fit_abund(tapnet) pems_from_tree(tree) select_relevant_pems(tree, species) tmatch(delta_t, type = "normal", width = 1, shift = 0, xi = 1, err = 1e-05) param_vec2list(params, n, m, fit.delta = FALSE) loglik_tapnet( params, networks, tmatch_type_pem, tmatch_type_obs, TmatchMatrixList = NULL, lambda = 0, obj_function = "multinom", fit.delta = TRUE ) latent_cor(true_pars, fitted_pars, pems_low, pems_high) web_indices(web, web_dim, indices) refit_params(tapnet, fit, fitted_I_mat)
internalFunctions() bjornloglik(web, P) fit_abund(tapnet) pems_from_tree(tree) select_relevant_pems(tree, species) tmatch(delta_t, type = "normal", width = 1, shift = 0, xi = 1, err = 1e-05) param_vec2list(params, n, m, fit.delta = FALSE) loglik_tapnet( params, networks, tmatch_type_pem, tmatch_type_obs, TmatchMatrixList = NULL, lambda = 0, obj_function = "multinom", fit.delta = TRUE ) latent_cor(true_pars, fitted_pars, pems_low, pems_high) web_indices(web, web_dim, indices) refit_params(tapnet, fit, fitted_I_mat)
web |
data for an interaction network in vector form, e.g. from predict_tapnet; |
P |
matrix of same size as observed web, summing to 1, representing something like the probability of selecting a link; typically constructed as part of tapnet, i.e. the I-mat of fit_tapnet; |
tapnet |
a tapnet object; |
tree |
phylogenetic tree in phylo format; |
species |
a named vector of species, representing (some of) the tips of the phylogenetic tree; |
delta_t |
vector of pairwise trait differences (higher - lower); |
type |
trait matching function: either "normal" or "shiftlnorm"; |
width |
width parameter of trait matching function, similar to sd in the normal; |
shift |
shift parameter (optimum trait distance), currently ignored in fitting; |
xi |
penalty for increasing the width of the (unstandardised) trait-matching function; defaults to 1 (implying a quadratically increasing weight of width in the optimisatino function, i.e. strongly acting against large values of sigma) |
err |
"baseline" probability of match, even if traits do not match at all; |
params |
parameter vector with setting for tapnet simulation; |
n |
number of latent trait linear combination parameters (lower level); |
m |
number of latent trait linear combination parameters (higher level); |
fit.delta |
logical; should the trait-weighting exponent delta be fitted? |
networks |
the "networks" part of a tapnet object; |
tmatch_type_pem |
type of trait matching function for latent traits; |
tmatch_type_obs |
type(s) of trait matching functions for observed traits; can be a vector as long as there are traits; |
TmatchMatrixList |
list of independent trait-matching matrices (one per network); |
lambda |
LASSO shrinkage parameter to avoid collinearity issues when observed traits are phylogenetically correlated; |
obj_function |
objective function, either "multinom" or "least squares" (leads to OLS fitting) or "bjorn" (leading to use of a somewhat weird but in some opinion the correct way to compute the likelihood); |
true_pars |
parameters used for simulating the network; |
fitted_pars |
parameters estimated by |
pems_low |
phylogenetic eigenvectors for the lower trophic level; |
pems_high |
phylogenetic eigenvectors for the higher trophic level; |
web_dim |
vector of two numbers indicating the rows and column of the network matrix; |
indices |
vector of names of network indices to compute; see |
fit |
a fitted tapnet; |
fitted_I_mat |
the fitted I-matrix of a fitted tapnet object. |
They do roughly the following:
computes likelihood of obtaining the observed interaction matrix, given some expected matrix of interaction propabilities (P). In contrast to the multinomial, this function assumes that the marginal totals of P constrain the probabilities. Hence, if all observations for one column (or row) have been evaluated for their probabilities, any new observation cannot come from this column (or row) anymore. This means, the probabilities in that "depleted" column (or row) have to be proportionally distributed over the other rows (or columns). There are ongoing discussions among the authors, when this is the right approach. Function written by Björn Reineking, ISRAE Grenoble (many thanks!), hence the name.
computes expected P-matrix of observed interactions based only on abundances; if no external abundances are provided in the tapnet-object, it will use the marginal totals of the network(s) instead.
computes phylogenetic eigenvectors from a phylogenetic tree;
identifies those phylogenetic eigenvectors (PEMs) of the full tree most relevant for a network containing only a subset of species;
calculates interaction probabilities based on trait matching;
converts a vector of parameters (for trait matching and latent trait combinations) into a named list;
the (negative!) log-likelihood function for fitting the tapnet model; actually quite an important function, easy to break, so not for the user to easily access;
computes correlation of fitted latent with true constructed traits for simulated data;
computes the specified network indices for the provided network, after turning the prediction vector into a matrix;
Simulate new networks from a fitted tapnet object, re-fit on the simulated network and output the parameter values.
Gita Benadi <[email protected]>, Carsten Dormann <[email protected]> and Jochen Fründ <[email protected]>
Benadi et al. in prep
Collates networks, traits and phylogenies into a consistent data structure used for all other tapnet functions
make_tapnet( tree_low, tree_high, networks, abun_low = NULL, abun_high = NULL, traits_low = NULL, traits_high = NULL, npems_lat = NULL, use.all.pems = FALSE, empty = TRUE )
make_tapnet( tree_low, tree_high, networks, abun_low = NULL, abun_high = NULL, traits_low = NULL, traits_high = NULL, npems_lat = NULL, use.all.pems = FALSE, empty = TRUE )
tree_low |
phylogenetic tree of lower trophic level; required; |
tree_high |
phylogenetic tree of higher trophic level; required; |
networks |
a single or list of interaction network (as matrix); required; |
abun_low |
named abundance vector(s) for lower trophic level (single vector or list of vectors); optional; |
abun_high |
named abundance vector(s) for higher trophic level; optional; |
traits_low |
lower trophic level traits (species x traits matrix with row and column names); optional; |
traits_high |
higher trophic level traits (species x traits matrix with row and column names; optional; |
npems_lat |
number of phylogenetic eigenvectors to be used to construct latent traits. If NULL, all eigenvectors will be used. |
use.all.pems |
option to force the function to use all phylogenetic eigenvectors, not only those useful for describing the specific network's species. |
empty |
logical; should networks be emptied of all-0 rows or columns? Defaults to TRUE. |
Tapnet objects are the starting point for almost all other tapnet functions. They contain the information on the species and the (quantitative) interaction network data.
A tapnet object, i.e. an thoroughly organised list with the inputs as entries. If multiple networks are provided, each has its own list entry, with PEMs, traits and abundances given for each network separately, in addition to the overall phylogenetic eigenvectors across all networks. See example for, well, for an example.
Gita Benadi <[email protected]>
Benadi et al. in prep
data(Tinoco) tapnet_web1 <- make_tapnet(tree_low = plant_tree, tree_high = humm_tree, networks = networks[1], traits_low = plant_traits, traits_high = humm_traits, npems_lat = 4) str(tapnet_web1) # show tapnet structure
data(Tinoco) tapnet_web1 <- make_tapnet(tree_low = plant_tree, tree_high = humm_tree, networks = networks[1], traits_low = plant_traits, traits_high = humm_traits, npems_lat = 4) str(tapnet_web1) # show tapnet structure
Function allows direct use of data prepared for tapnet analysis by other statistical methods, e.g. regression approaches
predict_tapnet(fit, abuns, tapnet = NULL)
predict_tapnet(fit, abuns, tapnet = NULL)
fit |
results of applying fit_tapnet to the tapnet object; |
abuns |
named list of two entries ("low" and "high"), containing a species-named vector of abundances of the new network |
tapnet |
optional name of a tapnet object containing traits, phylogeny etc.; these are not stored in fit, but rather it is assumed that a tapnet object with the name stored in fit is available in the global environment. That may not be the case, e.g. when simulating networks. In this case, tapnet provides the required tapnet-object. |
The fitted tapnet object contains the estimated parameters, describing how traits, abundance and phylogeny play together to produce the network(s) used for fitting. This information is now used to predict interaction probabilities for a new network. Accordingly, we need to know this new network's species abundances (an input to the function), PEMs and traits. The latter are computed based on the information contained in the tapnet object (which is linked in by attribute reference). For new species, their PEMs are computed and the network is simulated, using simnetfromtap
, for the information provided.
A matrix of predicted interaction probabilities, summing to 1. This would need to be multiplied by the total number of interactions in the new network to be comparable to the observations.
Ruth Stephan, Gita Benadi and Carsten Dormann <[email protected]>
Benadi et al. in prep
data(Tinoco) tap <- make_tapnet(tree_low = plant_tree, tree_high = humm_tree, networks = networks[1:2], traits_low = plant_traits, traits_high = humm_traits, npems_lat = 4) fit <- fit_tapnet(tap) # uses two networks for fitting! gof_tapnet(fit) # predict to omitted forest network's abundances: pred1 <- predict_tapnet(fit, abuns=list("low"=plant_abun[[3]], "high"=humm_abun[[3]] )) cor(as.vector(pred1*sum(networks[[3]])), as.vector(networks[[3]]))
data(Tinoco) tap <- make_tapnet(tree_low = plant_tree, tree_high = humm_tree, networks = networks[1:2], traits_low = plant_traits, traits_high = humm_traits, npems_lat = 4) fit <- fit_tapnet(tap) # uses two networks for fitting! gof_tapnet(fit) # predict to omitted forest network's abundances: pred1 <- predict_tapnet(fit, abuns=list("low"=plant_abun[[3]], "high"=humm_abun[[3]] )) cor(as.vector(pred1*sum(networks[[3]])), as.vector(networks[[3]]))
The workhorse function of this package, called by various other functions to construct a bipartite interaction network
simnetfromtap( traits, abuns, paramsList, pems, tmatch_type_pem, tmatch_type_obs )
simnetfromtap( traits, abuns, paramsList, pems, tmatch_type_pem, tmatch_type_obs )
traits |
a named ("low"/"high") list of species-named trait data matrices for lower and higher trophic level; |
abuns |
a named ("low"/"high") list of species-named abundance vectors for lower and higher trophic level; |
paramsList |
a list of parameter values with six elements: [[1]] and [[2]]: two vectors of linear combination parameters (importance values, one vector for each trophic level); [[3]]: a single shift parameter added to linear combination of higher trophic level PEMs; [[4]]: a single trait matching parameter for the PEMs; [[5]]: a vector of trait matching parameters for observed traits; [[6]]: a non-negative scalar delta to weight the importance of abundances |
pems |
a named ("low"/"high") list of two species-named data frames (PEMs of lower and higher trophic level); |
tmatch_type_pem |
type of trait matching function for latent traits (any name accepted by |
tmatch_type_obs |
type of trait matching function for observed traits (see previous argument). |
Details in here!
A named interaction matrix.
Gita Benadi <[email protected]> and Carsten Dormann <[email protected]>
Benadi et al. in prep
Simulation function to produce a tapnet object, i.e. one or more networks along with their descriptors, abundances, traits, phylogenetic information
simulate_tapnet( nlower, nhigher, ntraits_nopem, ntraits_pem, pem_noise = 0.5, abuns = "lognormal", meanlog = 0, sdlog = 1, tmatch_type_pem = "normal", tmatch_type_obs = "normal", npems_lat = NULL, lat_low = 1, lat_high = 1, tmatch_width_pem = 1, pem_shift = 0, tmatch_width_obs = 1, Nwebs = 1, prop_species = 1, new_abuns = FALSE, Nobs = 1000 )
simulate_tapnet( nlower, nhigher, ntraits_nopem, ntraits_pem, pem_noise = 0.5, abuns = "lognormal", meanlog = 0, sdlog = 1, tmatch_type_pem = "normal", tmatch_type_obs = "normal", npems_lat = NULL, lat_low = 1, lat_high = 1, tmatch_width_pem = 1, pem_shift = 0, tmatch_width_obs = 1, Nwebs = 1, prop_species = 1, new_abuns = FALSE, Nobs = 1000 )
nlower |
species number in lower trophic level; |
nhigher |
species number in higher trophic level; |
ntraits_nopem |
number of phylogenetically uncorrelated traits (for each level); |
ntraits_pem |
number of phylogenetically correlated traits (for each level); |
pem_noise |
noise (sd of normal dist) to put on PEMs; |
abuns |
abundances set to "lognormal", "equal" or a list of two abundance vectors; |
meanlog |
parameters of the log-normal distribution for drawing abundances; |
sdlog |
same as before, but width; |
tmatch_type_pem |
type of trait matching function for latent traits; |
tmatch_type_obs |
type of trait matching function for observed traits (can be a vector as long as there are traits); |
npems_lat |
number of phylogenetic eigenvectors to be used to construct latent traits. If NULL, all eigenvectors will be used; |
lat_low |
vector of PEM linear combination parameters for lower trophic level; if 1, all values will be set to 1, if "random", values will be drawn from a uniform dist; |
lat_high |
same for higher trophic level; |
tmatch_width_pem |
width of trait matching function for latent (PEM-based) traits; |
pem_shift |
shift parameter for latent trait matching; |
tmatch_width_obs |
width of trait matching function for observed traits, can be a single value or a vector of length ntraits_nopem + ntraits_pem; |
Nwebs |
number of webs to be simulated; |
prop_species |
proportion of species in the phylogeny that appear in each web (species are drawn randomly). With multiple networks, this allows to create networks with partly overlapping species composition. |
new_abuns |
If abuns = "lognormal" and Nwebs > 1, should new abundances be drawn for each web? |
Nobs |
number of observed interactions per web |
This function was written to explore the fitting of networks by different methods. Hence, we first have to simulate such networks. It is a very nice starting point for simulations, but irrelevant for tapnet-based analyses. The function internally sets up all the parameters and then calls simnetfromtap
for the simulation of the actual network. Lots of options means, regrettably, lots of decisions for the user.
A tapnet object, with a highly nested structure. There are six entries at the top level: trees, traits_all, networks, sim_params and the two tmatch types. Within networks, there is a list of 5 entries (for each of the Nweb networks): abundances, traits, PEMs, web and I_mat. "I_mat" is the actual output from simnetfromtap, while "web" is a single draw from a multinomial distribution with I_mat as probabilities and Nobs as size.
Gita Benadi <[email protected]>, Jochen Fründ <[email protected]> and Carsten Dormann <[email protected]>
Benadi et al. in prep
tapnet <- simulate_tapnet(nlower=10, nhigher=20, ntraits_nopem=2, ntraits_pem=0) # a minimal call of simulate_tapnet str(tapnet, 1) # the structure at the first level str(tapnet, 2) # the structure at the first and second level
tapnet <- simulate_tapnet(nlower=10, nhigher=20, ntraits_nopem=2, ntraits_pem=0) # a minimal call of simulate_tapnet str(tapnet, 1) # the structure at the first level str(tapnet, 2) # the structure at the first and second level
Function allows direct use of data prepared for tapnet analysis by other statistical methods, e.g. regression approaches
tapnetObject |
results of applying fit_tapnet to the tapnet object; |
This function simply puts all data into a data.frame, with each row an entry in the network matrix.
A data.frame containing network observations, PEMs, traits and abundances for regression-type analysis.
Carsten Dormann <[email protected]>
Benadi et al. in prep
ex <- simulate_tapnet(nlower=10, nhigher=50, ntraits_pem=3, ntraits_nopem=2, Nwebs = 3) df <- tapnet2df(ex) head(df) ## Not run: library(ranger) frf <- ranger(interactions ~ ., data=df[, -c(1:2)], importance="impurity") sort(importance(frf), decreasing=TRUE) ## End(Not run)
ex <- simulate_tapnet(nlower=10, nhigher=50, ntraits_pem=3, ntraits_nopem=2, Nwebs = 3) df <- tapnet2df(ex) head(df) ## Not run: library(ranger) frf <- ranger(interactions ~ ., data=df[, -c(1:2)], importance="impurity") sort(importance(frf), decreasing=TRUE) ## End(Not run)
An example dataset for tapnet analysis
An object of class matrix
(inherits from array
) with 14 rows and 1 columns.
These data are from the supplement of Tinoco et al. (2017) and contain three observed networks (forest at Mazan, shrubland at Llaviuco, cattle farm at Nero, all in Ecuador), along with traits of flowers and birds (corolla and beak length, respectively) as well as phylogenies and external abundances for all species. These data are in several ways special, but most of all because of the very high sampling effort that went into the networks.
For sake of clarity, we provide the data as separate objects. So when "Tinoco" is called, it will load seven objects: networks, humm_traits, humm_tree, humm_abun, plant_traits, plant_tree and plant_abun. To combine them into a useable tapnet object, use make_tapnet
. Phylogenetic trees are of class "phylo" (as used/produced by phytools). Abundance data were provided independently of the other data directly by Boris (the other data are on dryad doi:10.5061/dryad.j860v). For the external abundances of hummingbirds, 12 point counts were performed in the same habitats where hummingbird - plant interactions were observed. "Abundance were obtained by averaging the abundance of each species per point count across the study period." "Plant abundances are averages across the study period." Many thanks to Boris for making his data freely available!
Boris A. Tinoco Molina [email protected] collected the data; Carsten F. Dormann [email protected] packaged them
Tinoco, B. A.; Graham, C. H.; Aguilar, J. M. & Schleuning, M. Effects of hummingbird morphology on specialization in pollination networks vary with resource availability. Oikos 126, 52-–60
ls() data(Tinoco) ls() # adds seven objects!
ls() data(Tinoco) ls() # adds seven objects!